Sara completed her Guzheng master studies as a research student at the prestigious Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing under the tutelage of Associate Professor Ji Wei and auspices of the Beijing Government Scholarship after having graduated with a degree in Guzheng at the same institution with full scholarship from the China Scholarship Council. She actively participated in competitions and her achievements including winning the gold medal of the musical instruments competition of conservatories in China.Sara performs internationally across Singapore,China,Japan,Korea and Cambodia.


王惜盈出生于马来西亚槟城,北京中央音乐学院古筝专业硕士研究生,启蒙于本地古筝演奏家赖亚来先生,2014 年成功考上并获得了北京市外国留学生奖学金攻读闻名的中央音乐学院,主修古筝,师从中国古筝名家、吉炜副教授。本科时期获得中国政府全额奖学金在中央音乐学院主修民乐系古筝专业,师从著名古筝演奏家袁莎副教授。在校期限获得北京高校优秀留学生奖项、香港国际古筝比赛荣获金奖、 “禾乐奖”国际器乐独奏赛获得荣誉金奖、中国高等院校音乐教育研究会、中国音乐基金会主办的“学院奖”全国高等院校器乐比赛,荣获金奖,多次受邀出国演出。